Holy Week Fast

March 25-27

Next week, Antioch Fort Collins will be engaging in a three day fast in observance with Holy Week. Our focus will be on deepening our intimacy with Jesus—that we might know, experience, and believe in Jesus’ love poured out for us on the cross. Our hope and prayer is that this is an open door to abiding love. 

After all, Jesus demonstrated his great love for us through the cross: “Greater love has no one that this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). His love throughout all generations has been loyal, generous, and compassionate, all culminating in his sacrifice on the cross that we might have full access back into relationship with the Father. Jesus knows that we are worth the sacrifice. Knowing us, being in friendship with us is worth the suffering. As the beloved, we are recipients of God’s unconditional love. We have access to a deep well of affection and care.  

For each day of the fast, we will send out prayer points with verses to add fuel for digging deeper the well of intimacy with Jesus. 

CORPORATE PRAYER TIMES. We’d love to pray together during this fast! Please join us at the church Monday at noon (in the annex), Tuesday morning from 6-7am (in the lobby), or Wednesday morning from 7:30-8:30am (in the annex).

NEW TO FASTING? If you are new to fasting, feel free to take a look at this fasting guide or talk with your Life Group leader. Fasting is a biblical spiritual discipline that can heighten our hunger for the things of God. There are many ways to fast, so preparing well will simply make fasting a safe and powerful spiritual discipline.

BREAKING FAST DINNER. Join us Wednesday night at the church for a potluck dinner. No sign-up needed! Simply bring what you’ve been wanting to eat while fasting and bring a bit more to share. We’ll have some time to eat together, share what God has been speaking and working, and pray as a church family.

We can’t wait to hear how God moved, spoke, and met with us in these three days!